The city of Agnone is located in southern Italy, in the province of Isernia, within the Molise region. It is located 120 km from Naples and 170 km from Rome.
The altitude of the city is 840 meters above sea level. The population is 4,883 inhabitants (2021). It had 5,208 inhabitants in 2012 and in 1960 the population was 9,251 people. The descent is constant.
The city of Agnone ("Cittadina") is complemented by other populated centers, such as Fontesambuco, Villa Canale and Rigaini. The first two are called Fractions ("frazioni"). They are administratively dependent on the "Comune" Agnone. The "Comune" is the smallest administrative unit in Italy. Riagini is just a group of houses, where some members of the Diana and La Civita families still live.

Close to Agnone, a table called the Osca Table ("Tavola Osca" or "Tavola di Agnone") was found, a piece of bronze containing letters of the ancient Oscan alphabet. Currrently this piece is in the British Museum, in London; in the section corresponding to the Roman Empire. We have seen it there in 1999.
Some neighboring cities are Pietrabbondante, Capracotta, Belmonte del Sannio, Pescolanciano, Civitanova del Sannio, Pescopennataro.
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